Tag: tvr project 7/12
TVR Project 7/12, TVR Cerbera Speed 12, TVR Speed 12 – EPISODE 4
In Episode 3 we reported the TVR Cerbera Speed 12, a new project which was created from the pristine TVR Speed12. In the same time the race version of the car was developed (supposedly...
TVR Project 7/12, TVR Cerbera Speed 12, TVR Speed 12 – EPISODE 2
In EPISODE 1 TVR started the TVR Project 7/12 with (according to experts) two mock-ups. The first violet car had many parts made with woods. The second violet mok-up received a further development with...
TVR Project 7/12, TVR Cerbera Speed 12, TVR Speed 12 – EPISODE 1
TVR Project 7/12... TVR Speed12... TVR Cerbera speed12. The subject is quite complicated. TVR developed its project for a big race TVR with several modifications which actually generated some different "vehicles": mock-ups, race versions,...