Instrument panels of TVRs: which is the best?

Instrument panels of TVRs: which is the best?


Your car has to be wonderful for who’s looking at it: there’s no doubt (even more for those who live outside Great Britain) that every one who crosses the path of a TVR gets struck with surprise.What car is it? A Ferrari? A Porsche? A Lamborghini? A Corvette? “No! – you’ll answer – it’s completely different from any other one!

But you’ve to be as much excited as anyone who has the privilege to see such a “real and genuine” supercar. As you’re the driver, as you live your TVR from inside, you’ve got to feel from the cockpit all visual emotions. TVR always succeded in caught the world’s attention with original solutions and exciting layouts. “The function creates the shape” it’s said nowadays. It’s true but as concerns TVR there isn’t any marketing law but only passion and a progettual need.

Yet a cockpit of a TVR is so special. Here are the main we’re used to know: TVR Typhon, TVR Tuscan MK1, TVR Griffith, TVR Cerbera, TVR Vixen, TVR Sagaris, TVR Tuscan MK2, TVR Tuscan MK3, TVR Sagaris 2.


  1. hard to say which is best, but the instruments are definitely the worst in the tuscan 2. In my view there have to be analogue instruments, like in all the other TVR's (or the "mark 3" tuscan 2)

  2. For me the Griffith/Chimaera dash are best…the to funky new style is to much in the future me think….I like classic style….although the first picture with that black is also nice.